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Jenffer A. Jay

Discussion in 'Comics/Art' started by Yawning Sneasel, Mar 26, 2017.

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  1. Yawning Sneasel

    Yawning Sneasel Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2016
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    She is fun, but her art can get repetitive. I would really like for her to take on transformation and draw catgirl transforming into like fighter jet. Her take on something like that would be very unique and like anything else, she would pull it off.
    Trefoil Knot and Sobek like this.
  2. king kong... with wings?

    king kong... with wings? Snek doesn't like being manhandled

    Jan 22, 2017
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    no clue who you're talking about
  3. Sobek

    Sobek Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2016
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    she drew this upload_2018-1-25_7-29-11.jpeg
  4. king kong... with wings?

    king kong... with wings? Snek doesn't like being manhandled

    Jan 22, 2017
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    Trefoil Knot and Sobek like this.
  5. Sobek

    Sobek Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2016
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    "it is everyones favourite film about a syrup addicted bear that is right it is winnie the poo and his cousin piglet from the hit family film that is called winnie the poo and the chamber of syrup. if you havent seen winnie the poo and the chamber of syrup before then you might as well just be blind or deaf or both because you are missing out on a action packed adventure that will haunt you for the rest of your life and my best bit in the whole of the film is when winnie the poo is standing outside of his college in his red coloured crop top with his traditional no trousers on and he is making loads of people laugh by sucking syrup off the top of a teachers car and then gargling with it to the theme tune of mtvs sweet sixteen and all of his friends was saying that it was so funny and his friend ross even said that it was probably one of the best things that he has seen in about half a year and then tigger who is the main idiot at the college was going around telling everyone that he is going to punch winnie the poo in the back of his head after college when he is not looking because he hates him so much but it was so obvious that he is just jealous of winnie the poo for getting all of the attention from everyone and then after college tigger goes to punch him but winnie the poo senses his presence and he instantly turns around and slices tiggers spine with a bit of plastic that he found next to a fence and then winnie the poo goes on top of tigger on the ground and he does a massive screaming laugh right in tiggers face that sounded like a train full of bees smashing into a school and then before tigger could even say why cant i move my legs winnie the poo had completely vanished and then when it was at night time winnie the poo goes over to piglets house and he says for piglet to give him all of the syrup that he has got and piglet says you cant have it because my wife is pregnant and it is all that she can eat right now and winnie the poo says pregnant shmegnant i dont give a flying hell if she is pregnant or if she is just fat i just want to have all of your delicious golden bee juice inside of myself and then he slowly walks over to piglet and he kisses him on his forehead and he says my sweet cousin in a really light voice and then he looks at him for about 5 seconds and he does a half smile and then he slaps him right across his face and he bends forward and he licks piglets face where he was just slapped and he says give me your bee syrup now you salmon coloured dwarf and piglet says you need help mate you have got a serious syrup problem and winnie the poo says shut up no i do not and piglet says eh you do realise the reason everyone calls you winnie the poo is because you actually stink of poo because you never wash because all that you do is drink bee syrup all day and tigger said he actually saw you eating your own poo out of a napkin in the college car park as well and then winnie the poo just grabs the jar of syrup out of piglets pale pink palms and he runs out of the house and as he is running away he screams jumanji and then right at the end of the film there is a shot of winnie the poo sitting in the woods looking at a photograph of him and christopher robin in italy next to the eiffel tower and the camera goes really close up on winnie the poos face and he starts laughing and loads of bees fly out of his mouth and it lasts for about 5 minutes and then the screen just goes completely black and writing comes up that says winnie the poo hasnt been seen for nearly 2 and a half years and then a lightning bolt goes across the screen and it smashes the writing up into loads of little pieces and then the film just ends really suddenly and it really is one of the most action packed films that has ever been made about syrup and if you have children of your very own or if you can find a child just for a day then you should definitely have a watch of it with them when it is the summer holidays because trust me you will not regret it not even a slice."
    Trefoil Knot likes this.
  6. Uncle Frank

    Uncle Frank Occasionally slips through the cracks

    Feb 23, 2017
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    jen legit looks like gabe newell


  7. [WTX]Coolguy_Tran

    [WTX]Coolguy_Tran Extreme Ween!

    Apr 24, 2016
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    No, Gabe Newell looks like Jen.

    Fuck! I can see why he grew that shitty ass fucking beard now. Jen also puts more out there then Gabe and doesn't leave things hanging on shitty fucking cliffhangers.
  8. Uncle Frank

    Uncle Frank Occasionally slips through the cracks

    Feb 23, 2017
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    so is nobody going to mention this crazy shit

    i dont even know how these are made, it looks like ms paint but i dont think it is
  9. Anya

    Anya Heh Administrator

    Apr 30, 2016
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    Jen’s been doing this for like 20 years. None of her stuff is “crazy” nor is it worthy of being mocked. She’s actually pretty nice (and eccentric) and does requests.

    Her KF thread is basically her own personal art upload thread. If you want to attempt to shit on the artwork of a special needs transperson from the middle of nowhere, Canada, you can go over there, but they don’t take kindly to people trying to shit on her.

    Locking this.
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